Salomon Team France’s manager, a person that I can count on, who supports me in all my sporting choices, projects and adventures

Jean-Michel and I have slowly and progressively established a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. We have accomplished many dreams and goals and always made the most of every second of it. We are both passionate about the adventure that trail running provides and any type of challenges and it is with joyful enthusiasm that we brew up new adventures every year.

If I had to describe François, I would say that he is: humane, reliable, decent, honest, but especially someone who stays loyal to his principles and morals, which are: sharing, simplicity and the desire to always go that bit further. Having been lucky enough to spend time with François over the last few years, I have seen him evolve and progress in his sport and thanks to his level headedness he constantly moves forward. Just what are Francois' limits? I really do not know as I still haven't seen them but he is certainly leaving his mark in the history of trail running. I’m just really happy to be able to assist you with all your projects and diverse races. Thank you François for who you are, for what you do now and what you will do in the future.

Damien ROSSO - Droz Photo

Photographe professionnel

Passionnée de sport nature et de photographie depuis tout jeune, l’association de l’image et du sport est devenu rapidement une évidence. Au début par le VTT puis par le Trail Running dont l’esprit et le terrain en sont très proche. Avec une volonté profonde de vouloir donner envie aux pratiquant de s’évader et de sortir pour s’adonner à leur pratique. C’est pour cette raison que la lumière doit être la plus belle possible pour pouvoir donner encore plus de sens à mes images.

Pourquoi j’aime travailler avec François ?
J’aime la simplicité, la performance et la passion, et je pense que François rassemble toutes ces valeurs et bien d’autres encore. Quelques anecdotes ont permis également à ce que notre binôme fonctionne, notamment une chute (pas de François!!!) lors d’un shooting sur les Iles Canaries. Nous travaillons souvent ensemble car c’est simple, et c’est avec plaisir, et il y a une très bonne entente. Avec le temps, nous commençons à bien nous connaître, il connaît ma façon de fonctionner, je connais la sienne et du coup les choses se font plus naturellement. Une vrai complicité est importante pour réaliser de belles images.

Christophe MALARDE

coach, physical trainer, my racing season planner and advisor

I met François for the first time in 2010 a few days before the race in Ventoux. I was already an athlete with the Salomon Team but was also coaching a few other athletes. At the start of the season Jean-Michel Faure Vincent, the team manager, asked me if I could train a young rookie who had just joined the Salomon Team. Two days after meeting him he won the Ventoux trail race, a good 10 minutes in front of me ;-)). Our collaboration started out at a very high standard and it had nothing to do with me! Other successes have followed and just like his first victory, it is essentially all down to him and his own talent. So I don’t know to what extent I have been able to help him grow, evolve and win all these titles and actually at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter. We have created a relationship that is based on open-mindedness, advice, trust and friendship… and it is still like that! So it must be useful! … and that makes me really happy!


Kine, Physio and more...

I met Arnaud shortly after joining the team. Being a physiotherapist as well, we got to know each other quickly and discussed his view about the behaviour of the human body in trail running. His approach was one that I needed to accept, understand and learn. We are still working together now and he is a precious ally for regaining my confidence and centring myself before an event. The introduction of the “active patch” has only facilitated working together and often simplifies the treatments.


agent, partner management and more…

I have been collaborating with David for over a year. Since 2014 he kindly offered to support me in my discussions with my sponsors thanks to his skills in marketing, negotiations and email management. He offers advice and most importantly due to his interventions enables me to have valuable time to seriously concentrate on my sport.


Communication agency

KBLB help me to manage my social network

Nicolas Favre

Cameraman pro et sportif acharné